I found interesting the idea of a pure HTML5 Remote Desktop client for cross-browser cross-platform access to a PC. Despite that there are some AJAX VNC/RFB implementations, I thought in a simpler way to build a remote desktop solution using web standards and simple image processing.This solution is built using AJAX, HTML5, JSON and simple JPEG/PNG images. The required server-side code is written in Delphi 2010.
The code - Part I
In this first part we'll see the code to do the screen capture. The standard aproach is to capture the whole desktop. However, in this case, we'll capture every window individually, applying clipping regions and saving the individual bitmap for later comparison and difference extracting.Firstly we need to enumerate all visible top windows:
TWin = class(TObject) private Wnd : Hwnd; Rect : TRect; Pid : Cardinal; public constructor Create(AWnd:HWND;ARect:TRect;APid:Cardinal); end; function EnumWindowsProc(Wnd: HWnd; const obj:TList<TWin>): Bool; export; stdcall; var ProcessId : Cardinal; R,R1 : TRect; Win : TWin; begin Result:=True; GetWindowThreadProcessId(Wnd,ProcessId); if IsWindowVisible(Wnd) and not IsIconic(wnd)then begin GetWindowRect(Wnd,R); IntersectRect(R1,R,Screen.DesktopRect); if not IsRectEmpty(R1) then begin win := TWin.Create(Wnd,R,ProcessId); obj.Add(win); end; end; end; procedure GetProcessWindowList(WinList:TList<TWin>); begin WinList.Clear; EnumWindows(@EnumWindowsProc, Longint(WinList)); end;
We want to keep a list of windows, with their basic attributes and their
bitmaps, so we can compare with the new ones and send the differences to the
client. Here we merge the window list into a list of TWindowMirror:
TWindowMirror = class private FIndex : Integer; FRgn : HRGN; FHandle : THandle; FBoundsRect : TRect; FProcessId : Integer; FImage : TBitmap; FDiffStreamList : TList<TImagePart>; ... ... end; procedure TMirrorManager.RefreshMirrorList(out OneMoved:Boolean); procedure GetProcessWindowList(WinList:TList<TWin>); begin WinList.Clear; EnumWindows(@EnumWindowsProc, Longint(WinList)); end; var wl : TList<TWin>; n : Integer; wm : TWindowMirror; begin OneMoved:=False; wl := TList<TWin>.Create; try // Enumerates top windows GetProcessWindowList(wl); try for n := wl.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin // Looks for a cached window wm:=GetWindowMirror(FMirrorList,wl[n].Wnd); if assigned(wm) then begin if IsIconic(wl[n].Wnd) then wm.SetBoundsRect(Rect(0,0,0,0)) else wm.SetBoundsRect(wl[n].Rect); // Returns true when at least one window moved OneMoved:=OneMoved or (DateTimeToTimeStamp(Now-wm.FMoved).time<MOVE_TIME); end else begin // Do not create a TWindowMirror for invisible windows if IsIconic(wl[n].Wnd) then Continue; wm:=TWindowMirror.Create(Self,wl[n].Wnd,wl[n].Rect, wl[n].pid); FMirrorList.Add(wm); end; // Saves the zIndex wm.FIndex:=wl.Count-n; // Generates clipping regions wm.GenRegions(wl,n); end; finally ClearList(wl); end; // Sorts the mirror list by zIndex FMirrorList.Sort; finally; end; end;
function TWindowMirror.Capture(ANewImage:TBitmap): Boolean; function BitBlt(DestDC: HDC; X, Y, Width, Height: Integer; SrcDC: HDC; XSrc, YSrc: Integer; Rop: DWORD): BOOL; begin // Capture only visible regions SelectClipRgn(DestDC,FRgn); result:=Windows.BitBlt(DestDC, X, Y, Width, Height, SrcDC, XSrc, YSrc, Rop); SelectClipRgn(DestDC,0); end; var DC : HDC; RasterOp,ExStyle: DWORD; begin RasterOp := SRCCOPY; ExStyle:=GetWindowLong(FHandle, GWL_EXSTYLE); if (ExStyle and WS_EX_LAYERED) = WS_EX_LAYERED then RasterOp := SRCCOPY or CAPTUREBLT; DC := GetDCEx(FHandle,0,DCX_WINDOW or DCX_NORESETATTRS or DCX_CACHE); try Result:=BitBlt(ANewImage.Canvas.Handle,0,0, Width(FBoundsRect),Height(FBoundsRect),DC,0,0, RasterOp) finally ReleaseDC(FHandle,DC); end; end;
Now that we have captured all visible regions we need to get the bitmap
differences against the previous capture. We do this by looping through the
windows, then their visible regions and finally calculating the regions where we
find bitmap differences:
function TWindowMirror.CaptureDifferences(reset:boolean=false): Boolean; .... begin ... result:=Capture(TmpImage); if result then begin ... ra:=ExtractClippingRegions(Rect(0,0,TmpImage.Width,TmpImage.Height)); for n := 0 to Length(ra) - 1 do begin ra2:=GetDiffRects(FImage,TmpImage,ra[n]); for m := 0 to Length(ra2) - 1 do begin Jpg := TJpegImage.Create; ... CopyBmpToJpg(Jpg,TmpImage,ra2[m]); FDiffStreamList.Add(TImagePart.Create(rbmp,'jpeg')); Jpg.SaveToStream(FDiffStreamList[FDiffStreamList.Count-1].FStream); ... Bitblt(FImage.Canvas.Handle, ra2[m].Left,ra2[m].Top,Width(ra2[m]),Height(ra2[m]), TmpImage.Canvas.handle, rbmp.Left,ra2[m].Top,SRCCOPY); end; end; ... end;
On the next post we'll focus on the protocol with the client and the client code.
HTML5 remote desktop open source
You can download the full source code from Source Forge.UPDATE: There's a commercial version with PRO features available here.